About Me? 0 O?

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Kan Yean Thoong || 28/09/1992 || KL-born, raised in Klang; stays in Subang Jaya. || Supporter and nurturer of the physical, mental and spiritual well-being of others. || Freelacer || Community worker || Home-schooler || Philopsopher || Adventurer || Spiritual and Emotional Healer ||

Sunday, October 3, 2010

What is my Leisure Pursuit?


Well, just because I look chubby doesn’t mean I don’t ENJOY exercising. Just what am I going to do with the abundance of enthusiasm inside my body & soul? Hang out? Heck no, I’d rather: BE ON THE MOVE THAN TO STICK AT ONE AREA AT A TIME / MOVING A PART OF MY BODY THAN BE STILL.


Doesn’t mean I have to go oversea; to me it’s about moving away from where you specifically are. As I have mention earlier, I can’t stand being in a specific place for too long, if one needs to go to the toilet than that’s understandable but it’s just that I get bored easily, I guess. Seeing new places just excites me! It just rids my curiousity to discovery.


I’m a beginner for a traceuse though; I started practicing after a friend recommended it to me. It’s tough at first (no thanks to my weight) but as I got more used to it, it got FUN & EXICITING to do (of course, slip up and you’d probably slipped your life). My favourite spots are from flat top building-to-building. Yes, Malaysia don’t really place a lot of balcony (public) buildings side-by-side (which is rare to find here) so I only practice at our neighbouring country Singapore. They got a lot places which they allow us to practice our tricks, we’ve got our own abandon building to use too! But obviously after discussing with the authorities they said if anything were to happen, we have nobody to blame but ourselves so it was agreed from both sides. So yeah, we practice there with our seniors and have FUN too.


I love drawing even though I’m not a frequent drawer / artist but it’s respectful enough to notice but almost everyone agrees that when they have the right mood it’s get kind of cool when your head, clear of anything but what you want to express. You’ll also get to you use your imagination without any disturbance, it makes our brain function at least; you know when it gets the gears moving- ha-ha… ok let’s scratch that and get back to the topic. Our minds is so powerful that we could imagine anything at all but sadly sometimes we just don’t have the skill to properly draw or paint it out but if we wish to draw anything we want to express that it wouldn’t have come out like crap we need to practice. So, practice makes perfect; everyone knows that; that’s what I’m doing now.


Playing games does give us experience and something to learn. Even those who don’t enjoy reading stills read the dialogue of their favourite character or the storyline of a certain game. Some games also teach us about what’s good or bad but that depends on the individual. I favourite genre would be from adventure to supernatural as long as there’ll be a fight in it.


Who said that you have to read a lot of books to be an avid reader? To me I’d read almost anything I see as long as it’s readable to me. I’d read from comics to game magazines to vandalism.

*Phew* I’m pooped, that will be all.

What grabs my Attention?


This may be considered a very unusual interest to you but to me it’s one of my utmost appreciations of understanding an individual’s sole propose in life. That’s what makes me appreciate mine and other people’s lives. It’s what makes me strive not waste; it’s just basically my outlook of LIFE.

There are many types of philosophy; I’m more into Existentialism & Utilitarianism.

Existentialism, like the word itself, mention about EXISTENCE. So that means I’m focusing more onto why I am here and what my purpose for being so.

Utilitarianism however focuses on making others lives more MEANINGFUL while helping them to appreciate life and to bring happiness along with every step they take.

“The only thing we require to be good philosophers is the faculty of wonder.” – Sophie’s World, pg. 14

What’s the faculty of wonder? You say?

Philosophy ß Faculty of Wonder ß (Due to) Curiosity

*ß = Leads to

(That’s my theory to you.)

Children and toddlers alike have this when they were young and so did you. It’s something related to how much we have absorb from this world; what is and what isn’t suppose to be (our “habit” of what we know of).

Here an example from the author: “If a newborn baby could talk, it’d probably say about what an extraordinary world it has come into. We see how it looks around and reaches out in curiosity to everything it sees.

As words are gradually acquired, the child looks up and says ‘Bow-wow!’ every time it sees a dog. It jumps up and down in its stroller, waving its arms: “Bow-wow!” “Bow-wow!” We who are older and wiser may seem somewhat exhausted by the child’s enthusiasm. ‘All right, all right, it’s a bow-wow,’ we say, unimpressed. ‘Please sit still.’ We are not enthralled. We have seen a dog before. The rapturous performance may repeat itself hundreds of times before the child learns to pass a dog without going crazy. Or an elephant, or a hippopotamus. But long before the child learns to talk properly—and long before it learns to think philosophically—the world will have become a habit.” (pg. 14-15)

Here is another example from the author: “One morning, Mom, Dad, and little Thomas, aged two or three, are having breakfast in the kitchen. After a while Mom gets up and goes over to the kitchen sink, and Dad—yes, Dad flies up and floats around under the ceiling while Thomas sits watching. What do you think Thomas says? Perhaps he points up at his father and says: ‘Daddy’s flying!’ Thomas would certainly be astonished, but then he very often is. Dad does so many strange things that this business of a little flight over the breakfast table makes no difference to him. Every day Dad shaves with a funny machine, sometimes he climbs onto the roof and turns the TV aerial—or else he sticks his head under the hood of the car and comes back up black in the face.

Now it’s Mum’s turn. She hears what Thomas says and turns around abruptly. How do you she reacts to the sight of Dad floating nonchalantly over the kitchen table?

She drops the jam jar on the floor and screams with fright. She may even need medical attention once Dad has returned respectably to his chair. (He should have learned better table manners by now!) Why do you think Thomas and Mom react so differently?

It all has do to with habit. (Note this!) Mom have learned that people cannot fly. Thomas has not. He still isn’t certain what you can and cannot do in this world.” (pg. 15-16)

            And that’s why I’m still into philosophy; I still have my faculty of wonder.


The study of the human’s mind and what made an individual do what they do (behaviour).

After going through rough experiences during my past, when I was introduced to psychology, I knew I could relate to the many things I went through when I was little. How people change, what motivated them to change and why? What does one fear of something and another enjoys?  Asking the questions may be easy to do but getting the answer to the majority of these questions is the satisfying part. It’s what made me curious; not a busy body. I hope I will be able to grasp full knowledge on psychology so that I can help others if they are going through tough problems with a sort of psychological disorder and to also help myself too. My main study on Psychology is Fear(s) & Dream(s) (For personal use only).


I’m more into anything that has running in it, a lot. Hey, I’m not saying that I’m fast or anything but it’s something that I enjoy very much. ^-^ Even a simple sprint or jog to a close by destination is enough to satisfy me.


I love anything that makes (my) life more exciting, even falling off a death defying cliff, swimming with nurse sharks, etc. is enough for me go gaga (You: Boy, this girl must be nuts... Me: then what's stupidity for dude? XD). Hey, make it a double of me having to try ANYTHING that's risky-but-yet-fun-to-do!

That’s enough folks; while the rest are just common interests.